|Stocks and ETFs
|1 Min Read
What are the trading hours
for BATS Exchange?
QUODD offers BATS data in our BATS Real Time API. Click here for BATS trading hours information.
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|Stocks and ETFs
What are the NASDAQ Stock Market trading hours?
The NASDAQ Stock Market trades from 9:30 AM to 4:00 PM EST. NASDAQLastSale data covers the normal session's open, high, low, and last prices, while volume includes both pre- and post-trading activity as per NASDAQ guidelines.
|Stocks and ETFs
Why is the volume on BATS (CBOE) lower than other exchanges?
The volume on BATS is lower than other exchanges because the BATS volume reflects the volume of trades performed only on BATS, and does not reflect trades executed on other venues.
|Stocks and ETFs